Walrus Retreat


Walrus are in listed as endangered species because of hunting

And also because of their shrinking habitat.

Here in my Walrus retreat you will find regular

Walrus, and a few very unusual ones as well.

They are shy, so it might take a minute for them all to appear.

You must provide a link back to my page if you adopt a Walrus.


Please take your time in choosing the right Walrus for you!



Walrus #1




Walrus #2


Walrus #4


Walrus #5



Mom #1


Mom #2


Thank you for visiting the Walrus Retreat.

If your going to adopt one, please provide a link back to the Walrus Retreat.

All images Ó copyright 1998 to Shanna, and can NOT be used in any image collections

Or for any commercial purpose without permission from Shanna in writing.


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