Hints for Garden Maze

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Here are 10 hints to help you find the lost Teddy Bear.

Hint #1:  Clicking on the line below will scroll past the ad banners.
Scroll the screen to see the maze better

Hint #2:  You can click on the maze picture to move forward and backward, and to turn right and left. (But, don't do it from this screen unless you want to start over.)

Hint #3:  The Teddy Bear is in the North East section of the maze.

Hint #4:  The maze is actually shaped like a square that has eight rows on each side, and walls between the rows.  And, there are no passages through the maze's outer wall.

Hint #5:  There is a large castle on the west of the maze, a tall forest on the east, sandy hills to the south, and rocky hills to the north. 

Hint #6:  A good strategy is to draw a map of where you've been, so you don't end up going in circles.  A rectangular grid works well for this.  Although the walls might seem to be at odd angles, they actually fit a rectangular grid.

Hint #7:  There is a large sheet of yellow paper on a wall of the maze that has a pre-drawn map.  But, it may be harder to find the map than the lost Teddy Bear.

Hint #8:  When you get back into the maze, look at the title and location lines of your browser for clues about where you are at.

Hint #9:  You can bookmark your position in the maze if you want to get back to a certain spot later on.

Hint #10:  To return to where you were in the maze, use the "back" button of your browser.  Good luck!

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