Amelia, Sophie and Lily's room
#88 for all three
Hiya! My name's Amelia, and ya know what? My Mommy and Daddy justa re-did our room! Now it's a big girls' room, since me, Sophie and Lily are big girls now. We're four, which is weally big. And they also did Zacky and Matthew's roiom a little diffrent too! Zacky, me, Lily, and Sophie are, how do you say it again... I fink it's quawuplets, and do ya know what dat means? It means dat we were all born at the same time! Isn't dat cool! Mommy says it makes us weally special!
Guess what! For my birfday party Mommy and Daddy got me ice skaters! I'm wearing them right now! Daddy says I'm not possed to wear them in the house, but I'm not going to actually skate in the house, so I figered it'd be okay. But don't tell him, kay?
Hi! I'm Lily. Mommy says I remind her of a water lily. I don't know why. Mommies are weird like that sometimes. Umm, I don't know what to say. Oh yeah, I know! Erin's teachin' me how to read!! It's really fun, 'cept I'm not that good yet. But I will be soon, I when I am I think I'm gonna read that big book that has lists of thing I can't read, and def... inn.. ishons of the words. Erin told me it's called a dictonery, I think. Sophie, and Amelia and me are all going to school!!! We go to school at Squeaker Pre-K and Kindergarten. We really like it! My mommy says that if you want to know the address you can call her.
Front of House ~
Amelia, Sophie and Lily's room ~
Autumn's room ~
Bathroom ~
Den ~
Erin's room ~
Excersise room ~
Kitchen ~
Living room ~
Mr. and Mrs. Mimimouse's room ~
Noellyn's Room ~
Zachary and Matthew's room