This is the entrance to the author's page. Andrea thought that it was a good picture to use because it has the shadows, but not the faces.


"Many men can criticize, still more try to learn, but if you ask me its more important to discern." ~Anon.

"It is easy to rock the boat when you are not in it."

"Popularity is a socially transmitted desease."

"We are the people our parents warned us about."


Anime Anonymous


Andrea Bell

She's written most...well, all of the content of this site so far. If I don't get other writers for it I'll just do it as an honorarium to her, because she's my favorite fanfic writer. I like the broadness of her topics.

I'd just like to say that it is very rare that I have found someone like her...she's smart and nice and she really puts her heart into what she writes. Despite the sound flaming I'll get from posting this bit of praise I'd like you all to take the real person into account when you read her fics...or think about replying. I know alot of people whose days are made by a simple letter of constructive criticism.


That's me. Yea, I know, way to pick a monkey bird for a name, but I like it. I'd like to pay much homage to Nutz at Xenogears : The Nisan Sanctuary, for her inspiration in doing these pages. It's a great game, just ask Andrea, she'll tell you about it. If you haven't checked it out it'll be up in the  general links section I am going to do just for the different stories so you all will understand Andrea's stories.


We have only one author right now...Andrea Bell, and so if you write Fanfic and want it put on a website...whether good or bad, send a short bio and your fic to Thanks folks.