Get Paid to be Online! Its time that you can start earning money for just being online. If you use the net almost everyday, for any reason, wouldn't it be great that you also get paid for it! Scroll down and see what this fantastic thing is all about! How do these Money Making Programs work? Advertisers want you to see their ads. They spend virtually thousands of dollars attracting people from across the web. Same is the case here, the only difference is the advertisers pay the company for ads and you get paid by the company just for viewing them. They provide ads through a bar that sits on your desktop which takes up about 10% of your computer screen. You are always in control of whether or not you want the bar to be shown. In some companies, the bar is even customizable so that it displays only those ads which you really want to see. How can these companies afford to pay me for just looking at ads? The companies give you a cut of their advertising revenue. Without you viewing the ads, they wouldn't have an audience for their advertisers. And without an audience, they wouldn't be able to sell any advertising at all! How much money can I make? All the "get paid to surf " companies differ in their payoffs. You can expect to make around 50 cents/hour. If you use two programs at the same time, you will be able to make a dollar an hour. When you refer other people, you'll get paid for every minute that they are online. This amount ranges anywhere from 5 cents/hour to 25 cents/hour. And when your referrals refer others (extending out to 4 or 5 levels for most companies), you earn an additional amount ranging from 2 cents/hour to 20 cents/hour when those people are online. So if you surf an hour a day and you don't get any referrals, you can make around $15 every month ($30 if you use two programs simultaneously). If you get some referrals, you can make anywhere from $40 to hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month. The sky is the limit! Is it really that easy? YES! all of the companies listed are free to join. Their advertising software is free to use. Sign up requires no more than three minutes of your time. Should I sign up now? Absolutely! Some of the companies have their advertising software available to download right now! The rest of the companies are releasing their software on a first come, first serve basis. So the sooner you sign up, the sooner you can start to make money for surfing the Web. Which companies should I join? It's up to you. The direct pay outs of one company will look good, while the referral pay outs of another company may appeal to others. I strongly suggest joining every company, whether their software is available now or not. All of the "get paid to surf " companies listed are free and it only takes couple of minutes to join a company. The best choice is to sign up with all of them, download their software when it becomes available (if it's not already), and then decide which programs work best for you. Making money on the web is the hottest business these days and there are new and new companies coming out from time to time. However, On this page you'll find only those which are reliable and guaranteed to send you money! So .. what're you waiting for. Start Earning!
I'll be adding more soon if I find more quality services out there. stay tuned! |