Emmy's Pics:
NOTE: I am adding the final update to this page on August 14, 2001, though all of the pictures here are from at least two years previous. They were just lying around and I figured I'd toss them here.
NEW - More of my "I just got a poloriod camera" pics, just found them. Taken the summer before Junior year.
- 1 This is me. Notice my hair is cut short and dyed reddish blonde.
- 2 Craig and I. We had the same color hair!
- 3 Another of me and Craig, on that double bed that I had for a while.
- 4 Showing off my brand new tongue stud, cute, eh?
- 5 Me again, just smiling.
- 6 Julie and Steve cuddling, eew.
- 7 Me and Julie on my old bed.
NEW - I just found these random pictures on my site.
- 1 From some Halloween, clockwise from back: Ross Bagly, Mary, Joe Harney, Nick Locapo, Justin Quinlin, Dave Greco.
- 2 An old school photo of Todd Nelson, wasn't he cute?
- 5 This is the internet picture I gave out when I was in eighth grade!
- 6 A cute shot of my sis, eating a lollipop.
- 7 Close up of Julie's friend Sarah.
- 8 Another shot of Sarah, with a drink.
- 9 Steve in his room, looking as usual like a big freaken idiot.
The pictures I took with my brand new Poloroid camera, when I was 16.
- 1 My beloved Tom, standing in the closet corner of my room.
- 2 Isn't he soooo adorable, cleaning himself and all?
- 3 Another heart-melting shot of my babino.
- 4 Tom, wandering over my desk and about to jump onto my sofa chairs.
- 5 Exploring the desk, walking behind that old computer that I barely use.
- 6 Me and my love, rolling around on the floor in the middle of my room. Note the wedding gown pictures on my door and the cat-every-day pictures that cover half of that wall.
- 7 Julie and Tom, sitting on the sofa chairs together.
- 8 This is me, while we were playing dress-up in Julie's room.
- 9 Isn't that the most beautiful dress you've ever seen in the entire world? (Well, you can't really see it, but trust me, its gorgeous.) I adore it, I'm going to get married in one just like it.
- 10 In my natural habitat, at my computer in the living room. (The other one is on the right of the photographer, against the wall, but that one is unimportant.)
- 11 Aww, Julie and Steve, aren't they so cute? I couldn't resist... waking them up that is.
- 12 The outfit Carol got me at Christmas, isn't it adorable?
- 13 A closer shot of the outfit. I'm not showing off my scantily clad chest, honest!
- 1414 Craig, as usual, costing me money, running up my phone bill! He's since shaved off the gote, which was cute; and he cut his hair shorter, which looks good. Isn't he so cute?
The Semi, Christmas at Noni's and my Sweet Sixteen party at the community center.
- 1. I really need to invest in a strapless bra for these occasions.
- 2. Julie, myself and Lena. Could someone remind me next time to keep my skirt down?
- 3. Share the wealth Joe!
- 4. A man's place is in the kitchen.
- 5. Dancing, not choking.
- 6. Julie and Mommy, still not going to get up, even though the pancakes are done.
- 7. Priceless - Eddie getting his very first computer.
- 8. Not hard of hearing, showing off my earrings to Carol, who is being watched by Sandy.
- 9. Craig making breakfast for the clan.
- 10. Gotcha Steve!
- 11. Julie and myself, completely innocent of any wrong doings, as usual.
- 12. My karate noise-making stuffed animals, Julie, Carl and me.
- 13. Look, Brandy's flying!
- 14. Yes, Craig's thumb is on Jen's boob.
- 15. Mommy and Carl
- 16. Found it! Me and Craig. That stuff near my eye is the beginning of Death's present.
- 17. I am destracted, but conquer the cake.
- 18. That big slut that wears to much make up and tight pants, and Jen.
- 19. Sarah, Julie and myself - after Death left her mark. (Do my ears look pointy to anyone else?)
- 20. Craig broke down the door to the bathroom and visciously took a picture while Carrie and I were still recovering from our frosting brawl.
Julie's Birthday Party, January 1998, at the community center. Note: This is the party where Julie locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn't come out for two hours.
- 1. What can you say about a truely idiotic person? (Jen went out with him, ha ha!)
- 2. Nothing gets by Jen!
- 3. I didn't dress like that ALL of the time...
- 4. Ashley looking distainful, I don't know why.
- 5. Sarah and Wilson, who were making out the whole night.
- 6. Craig with sideburns, drooling at the cake.
- 7. Wilson, Sarah, Craig, Julie, Nicky.
- 8. Julie blowing out her candles.
- 9. Julie showing the loot, attended by a happy Nicky and a dulled Ashley.
- 10. What Julie, the food's bad?
- 11. Mom watching Julie blow out cake number two.
- 12. Julie inspecting her soap while Nicky stands guard.
Old, old Pics
- This is Julie and me sitting on Dee's bed
- My kitties, Chrissy's the black one, Tom's white and orange.
- Julie and me in California about two years ago... we were at the top of this mountain and there was snow around... we got to ride in a TRAM
- Craig in his basketball duds
- Julie's birthday party when she turned 13... notice the cute little hats
- Mongoose (Craig playing paintball)
- Craig holding... what is that... Pee?
- Dee in my room last year
- Nicole and me up in Salisbury two summers ago, Dee invited us to his house up there, along with Julie and that idiot Eric Geru
- Todd, all dressed up in my freak-wear
- An artistic little shot of Craig and me in the mirror
- Dee and me at the mall when I was in my "Andy" stage
- Julie sitting on my bed... notice my walls as they were before I redecorated... yes those are real Barbie dolls in the upper left corner
- Ashley when she was just a wee young thing
- Julie's internet picture... putting this up was the only way to get her to my website. The pic was taken at Ashley's house