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Bible Stories 
God Made the world
God made the world. And he made everything in it. He made the sun the moon and the stars. He made seas and dry lands, mountains and valleys. He made plants. He made fish, birds and animals. Then He made man and women. God was happy with what he had made.
Genesis 1: 1-25
Noah's Big Boat
God told Noah to build a big boat, called an ark. It was to save his family. God sent two of every animal for Noah to put into the ark. God decided to flood the earth with water. It rained for forty days and nights. Water covered everything. But everyone on the boat was safe and dry.
After forty days Noah opened a window and sent out a raven. It did not come back. After another few days Noah then sent out a dove to see if the water had gone down. The dove came back with a fresh olive branch in its beak. Noah knew that the water had gone down. Noah gave thanks to God. God made a rainbow in the sky as a promise to us that he would not flood all the earth again.
Jonah and the big fish
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach. But Jonah ran away on a boat. So, God sent a big storm. The men in the boat knew the storm was Jonah's fault. Jonah had not obeyed God so they threw Jonah into the sea. Then God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah. After three days, God made the fish spit Jonah onto dry land. Then Jonah went to Nineveh.
Jonah 1-3
How long was Jonah inside the fish?  
Baby Moses 
When Moses was a baby, his mother had to hide him from the mean King of Eygpt. She made a baby boat for him. She hid Moses in the boat in the Nile River.

The King's daughter found Moses and adopted him. Moses grew up in the King's own house, just as God had planned.

Exodus 1:22-2:10
who found baby Moses in the river?  
God's Ten laws
After God's people left Eygpt God gave them ten laws. Hew wanted them to obey these laws. he wrote the laws on a big stone and gave the stones to Moses. These ten laws helped God's people to be pure and holy. the laws are called the ten comandments.
Exodus 20:1-17, 24:12-14, 32:15-16
What did God give to Moses?  
Joseph's special coat 
Jacob had 12 sons, and Joseph was his special son. Jacob gave Joseph a special coat. Then Joseph's brothers became angry. they sold Joseph to some men going to Eygpt.
Joseph became a slave for one of the king's workers. And that's just where God wanted him to be.
Genesis 37,39: 1-6
What was the special gift Joseph got? 
Jesus is Born 

An angel from God told Mary she would have a baby boy. The baby would be God's only son. The angel told Mary to name the baby Jesus. He siad the baby would grow up to save people from their sins. Later, the baby was born in a stable in Bethleham. His bed was a box where animals fed.

Luke 1: 26-33, 2: 1-7
Where was Jesus born? 
The Shepherds 
The night Jesus was born, some shepherds were in the field with their sheep. Suddenly, they saw an angel. And they were afraid. The angel told them not to be afraid. He was bringing good news. He said Jesus the saviour had been born. The shepherds were happy. And they went to worship Jesus.
Luke 2:8-20
what was the angel's good news? 
The Wise Men 
Some wise men from the East saw a bright new star. They knew the star was for God's son. And they wanted to worship Him. So, they followed the star until they found baby Jesus. he was lying in a manger in a town called Bethlehem. They gave baby Jesus some very special gifts.
Matthew 2: 1-12
What did the wise men follow?

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( © copyright Lindsay Kennard 1997)
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