The Roaring 20s
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  • Warren Harding - President
  • Calvin Coolidge - Vice President
  • 18th Amendment bans alcohol
  • 19th Amendment Women Vote
  • ACLU is founded
  • Band-Aids are introduced
  • Zorro debutes
  • Cleveland Indians win World Series
  • Miss America Pageant debutes

  • Insulin is isolated
  • Unemployment at 5.7 million
  • Betty Crocker is created
  • Outer Mongolia independece
  • Paddock sets 100 meter record
  • Einstein wins Nobel Prize
  • Iodized salt is introduced
  • Chanel No. 5 Introduced
  • Cleveland Indians win World Series

  • Rebecca Felton first US Senator
  • Andrews discovers dinosaur eggs
  • Technicolor film discovered
  • N.Y. Giants win World Series
  • Mah-jongg is introduced
  • Meteor falls in Virginia
  • Tsutankhamen Tomb found
  • Radio is founded
  • Mussolini goes to Rome

  • President Harding dies
  • Calvin Coolidge - President
  • The Bulldozer is invented
  • First Electric Shaver introduced
  • The Boogie Woogie is popular
  • The Ten Commandment debutes
  • Tilden wins US Tennis Open
  • 1st White House Tree Lighting
  • Time Magazine Launches
  • N.Y. Yankees win World Series

  • Calvin Coolidge re-elected
  • Charles Dawes Vice President
  • Winter Olympics in France
  • Paavo wins 5 Gold Metals
  • Gandhi fasts for peace
  • Texas elects Woman Govenor
  • Charlie Chaplin marries
  • Round the world flight successful
  • J. Egar Hoover head FBI
  • Scarlett Fever isolated
  • Kleenex introduced
  • IBM is organized
  • Washington Senators win Series
  • 1st Macy Thanksgiving Parade
  • Little Ophan Anne comic debutes

  • National Spelling Bee begins
  • Birdeye markets frozen food
  • Chrylser Corp. is Founded
  • Pittsburgh Priates win Series
  • Lou Gehrig joins Yankees
  • Wills wins US Open Tennis
  • 1st Motel opens in Calif.

  • Safety Glass is introduced
  • Rudolph Valentino dies
  • Book of the Month starts
  • Byrd flys to North Pole
  • Anti-tetanus serum discovered
  • Princess Elizabeth Born
  • Ancient Maya Cities discovered
  • Tunney wins Heavy Weight title
  • St Louis Cardinals win Series
  • Carter invents miniature golf
  • Globetrotters get started
  • Goddard launches rocket

  • Lindbergh Solos to France
  • Mississippi flood claims 300 lives
  • Wonder Bread introduced
  • Hostess Cakes hit market
  • Model A Ford rolls out
  • Babe Ruth hits 60th Homer
  • N. Y. Yankees win World Series
  • Golden Glove Boxing introduced
  • Mt. Rushmore is dedicated
  • 1st total eclipse visible
  • Talking movies are introduced

  • Herbert Hoover - President
  • Charles Curtis - Vice President
  • Penicillium is discovered
  • Iron Lung Machine introduced
  • St. Francis Dam claims 350 lives
  • 1st Quartz clock is built
  • Rice Krispies is introduced
  • Peter Pan Peanut Butter debutes
  • Boeing Company is founded
  • Micky in Steamboat Willy hits
  • Ty Cobbs retires
  • N. Y. Yankees win World Series
  • Earhart solos Atlantic
  • Woman Athletes at Olympics

  • Stock Market Crashes
  • Hubble proves galaxy beyond
  • Wyatt Earp dies
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre
  • 1st Academy Awards
  • 7-Up is introduced
  • Philadelphia Athletics win series
  • Yo-Yo's hit the market
  • Pinball machines debute
  • Popeye hit's the screens

  • 1920s FashionThey were called the "Flapper Girls". They wore make-up, lipstick, wore shapeless dresses and and allowed their legs and ankles to be seen. The hairstyle was called the "Bob" but many women hid their hair underneath the fashionable cloche hats. Women went back to work and won the right to vote in 1920. They proved that they were as equal as men.
    In 1920, George Herman Ruth, known as Babe Ruth, was signed to the New York Yankees. He was 26 years old at the time, and helped the Boston Red Sox win the World Series in 1919 where he hit 29 home runs his last season with them.
    The Charleston is the craze
    The Charleston
    The Charleston became the craze for dance as well as the Era of Jazz Music developed in the 1920s. There was promise of big money is dance contests. Many men and women competed in halls hoping to out dance each other.
    Earthquake Strikes Japan
    In 1923 a catastropic earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama. Over 300,000 die and millions are left homeless. If the earthquake didn't get the homes that were standing the fires did. Three rivers burst their banks and flooded many areas.
    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Dies
    The founder of the Soviet Union suffered a stroke in 1923 which left him paralyzed, died in January 1924. He requested a simple burial, but his request was ignored and his body was placed on display permanently in Red Square.
    Gertrude EderleGertrude Ederle
    She was the first woman to swim from France to England at 19. Gertrude swam the Channel in 14 hours and 31 minutes and took more than two hours off the previous record. In 1924 she won a Bronze Medal in the 400-meter freestyle in Paris at the Olympics.
    Harry Houdini
    In October 1926 Houdini, a Hungary born native, dies. His real name was Erich Weiss. He was famous for escaping from chains, handcuffs and straitjackets. He boasted that his stomach muscles were very strong. After taking two blows to the abdomen, doctors worked to save him, but could not stop the infection that set in.
    In 1926, A. A. Milne creates the loving and adorable characters of Winnie the Pooh after his son Christopher Robin. Introduced were Tigger, Piglet, Eyore, an Owl, Kanga, Roo, and of course a cuddly bear called Pooh. They all lived in the Hundred Acre Woods. It was Christopher that inspired his father with playing with his toys and games.
    Charles Lindbergh
    Charles Lindbergh
    May 21, 1927 Charles Lindbergh landed at Le Bourget airfield, France in the Spirit of St. Louis. He had a compass to help him navigate across the ocean. He won the $25,000 prize money for being the first man to fly the Atlantic alone.

    The Jazz Era Begins
    Louis Armstrong, Al Jolson and Duke Ellington are a few of those entertainers that brought Jazz music to many clubs and radio. It was a European and African traditions coming together and giving Jazz its name. It was also called "Ragtime" music.

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