Luke and Justus would like to welcome you to their page. Luke turned 2 November 3, and is a child prodigy. He can play pat-a-cake, knows where the potty is, and points to letters when he hears the ABC's. Hee Hee. Justus, well, he can't do any of that yet. He was born Aug 10. So, he is still a lil' feller. We had trouble with him keeping his milk down, but he is doing much better now.


Luke has adjusted pretty well to Justus being in HIS home, getting love from HIS parents. We went through a rough time for a while, with Luke staying up for several hours during the night, wanting someone to stay in his room with him. But he has been sleeping through the night for quite a while now. YEA!!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me.


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