An open place where you can run around.
A flay ball (a blown up balloon)
To be the last person "in"
Two or more (the more the better)
The Game:
1. Players line up in a looping fashion (Ex. if there are 3 players; 1 goes, then 2 goes, then 3 goes, then 1 goes, ect...)
2. The first player serves the ball to the second player by throwing the Flay ball to him.
3. That player must hit the ball upwards with any body part except your hand or arms. And the next player does the same and so on and so forth.
4. A player gets a point when the ball hits the ground on his turn, he hits the ball with his hands are arms, hits the ball downward or he plays out of turn.
5. 3 points, your out! The player went after the player that went out would now go after who the out player went after. (Ex. if player 2 went out then 1 goes then 3 goes)
6. Keep playing until only one person is left.
You could Flay out doors on a windy day.
You could have the rule: If the ball pops on you turn your out.
Play it in a crouded room.
You could have the rule: You can't hit the ball with the same body part twice in a row.
Flay ball came fron the S,E Kentucky Bible Bowl Team.
The frist Flay ball was either red or green.
Skank it up!!