The Pacs

The Sight now has its own files for download. There are four Pacs one has hours of music the second is a Christmas (wrong season?) movie with a twist the third file is a program about life bridges and a couple dozen aleart boxes and the last is a small box with eyes that follows your mouse. The pacs will be available 24/7 and are all well worth downloading. The Pacs are easy to use just download (save) them, unzip the pacs using an unziping program (If you do not have an unzip program try and enjoy.

Choose your File

Pac 1 (Music)Press shift while clicking link. (640KBs)
Pac 2 (Christmas Movie)Press shift while clicking link. (840KBs)
Pac 3 (Life)Press shift while clicking link. (96KBs)
Pac 4 (Eyes)Press shift while clicking link. (11KBs)

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