Welcome to Leslie's Guestbook!

Jessie - 10/04/00 01:32:18
My Email:JPRsweetgirl
Your favorite color: purple
Your favorite food: chicken teraykai
Your favorite animal: kittens
Kid, teenager or grownup?: kid
Your favorite craft: home made playdoh

I'm nine years old, and I'm in fourth grade. I'm looking forward to being your pen pal!I started piano lessons in March. My twelve year old brother plays a red electric guitar.I love to play barbies.

nancy lowe - 08/20/00 01:21:43
My URL:http:// none
My Email:nonedont have one
Your favorite color: blue
Your favorite food: pizza
Your favorite animal: cat
Kid, teenager or grownup?: teenager
Your favorite craft: none


Mommy - 01/18/00 01:02:26
Your favorite color: crimson
Your favorite food: guacamole hamburgers
Your favorite animal: people
Kid, teenager or grownup?: grownup
Your favorite craft: paper cut-outs

Hi, Leslie. Having fun with the new website?

Maritza - 11/19/99 21:16:07
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/vellisse
My Email:vellisse@geocities.com
Your favorite color: blue
Your favorite food: pizza
Your favorite animal: dogs
Kid, teenager or grownup?: grownup(with a kid's heart)
Your favorite craft: coloring

You have done a great job in your page!

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