Here is a list of things you can do to earn points:
100 points- Get a club job.
100 points- Put a club banner on your homepage. Send me the addy of where you out it so you can get your points.
35 points- Start a chain letter telling people about the club and informing them to join. First send a copy to me (Melanie) so you can get your points.
25 points- Write a column about anything for the newsletter.
25 points- Create a quiz...must be at least 5 questions.
25 points- Conduct a poll in a chat room or something and send me the results.
25 points- Write a review of a singer or group.
25 points- Write an article for the fashion page.
15 points- Send in a recipe.
10 points- For each person you recrute for the club you get 10 points!
10 points- Write a poem or short story.
10 points- Put a link to us on your page. Make sure to send us the addy so I can give you your points.
7 points- Send in an embarassing moment.
7 points- Send in a picture of yourself for the member photo album.
7 points- Send in a beauty/fashion question.
5 points- Send us your birthday
5 points- For entering a contest
3 points- Send in a joke
3 points- Send in a comment or idea
2 points- Send in your homepage URL
2 points- Send in a link to your fav page
??? points- Make a page for TGO. What I mean by that is to make a little page about something that you like that would be interesting to the members of TGO. We will put a link to it on the Members Only Page. You will get points according to how good it is.
??? points- Make a graphic or banner for TGO. You get points according to what it is and how good it is.
*Let me go to the TGO Store and see what I can buy with points.*