Ways to Earn Points!!!
take time to look at ways that you can earn points. When sending
us mail regarding points please make sure to include your member
name, and if at all possible send each mail seperately to avoid
confusion!!! Send all mail to Melanie
- 50 points- Get a club job..and you get 10 points on a monthly
- 35 points- Start
a chain lettter telling people about the club and
informing them to join. First you must send a copy to Melanie to recieve points,
- 25 points- Write
an article for the newsletter or 'zine.
- 25 points- Create
a quiz..must be at least 5 questions!!
- 25 points-
Conduct a poll in a chat room or something and send us
the results!!
- 25 points-
Write a review of a singer or group..must be at least two
paragraphs long!!
- 25 points-
Write an article for te fashoin page.
- 25 points-
Write an article for anything!!!
- 15 points- Send
in a recipe.
- 15 points-
Write a short article about your role model and why he or
she is your role model.
- 10 points- For
each person you recrute for the club you will get 10
- 10 points-
write a poem or short story
- 10 points- If
you advertise our page on your page!!! Send us an email
after the link has been put up so we can look at it and
give you points!!
- 7 points- Send
in an embarrassing moment
- 7 points- Send
in a picture of yourself to Melanie
- 7 points- Send
in a beauty question.
- 5 points- Send
us your birthday
- 5 points- For
entering a contest!!
- 3 points- Send
in a joke
- 3 points- Send
in a comment or idea
- 2 points- Send
in your homepage addy
- 2 points- Send
in a link to your favorite page
to send mail to Melanie!!!
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