Hey, you've arrived at the staffroom! Only staff and authorised people can go inside! Well, I suppose you could, too. I'm Janine Mousingley, and I own this bookshop with my husband Charles. Actually, it is owned and operated by the whole Mousingley family. It has been passed on from generation to generation. When we are no longer capable of running this bookshop, our older grandchildren, Kevin, Corinne, Vanessa and maybe Chuck, will take over. Mousingley's is created and dedicated to bringing you the best books around for the whole family.
Now let me introduce you to our hardworking staff.
Corinne takes care of all your orders and any other inquiries. She is our granddaughter. She is 16 years old. Visit her at Corinne's Corner.
Elisia Micey
Elisia is your guide and assistant. She will be happy to help you while you look for books and recommend any good ones. She has enjoyed reading from the very first day she had known how to read those letters of the alphabet. She specialises in authors of classics and crime.
This is Reuben from the cashier. He is studying at university, and does his part time job here. When Reuben is not behind the counter, Corinne or Elisia will be.
Oswald is our security guard. He makes sure Mousingley's is a safe place to be, and he keeps shoplifters and other offenders out of the shop. He also takes care of any disputes in the shop.
Main entrance
Comments Box
Order Form

Shoplifting is a crime! Do not take anything without our consent.
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