Now Playing: Bach's Violin Sonata No. 1 in G (Presto)
~Realm of Vanessa~

Welcome to my realm!! My name is Vanessa Mae, and I am an eleven-year-old mouse living in Wichi's Mice House. I have 4 brothers and sisters, Kevin, Corinne, Chuck and Milly. Kevin is 17, Corinne is 16, Chuck is 9 and Milly is eight months old.

I love playing and writing music. I play the violin and the piano. I must say I like playing violin better than piano.... it's much more practical! I was named after a famous violinist, Vanessa Mae. Wichi plays the violin as well, but I'm better than her, honest! *grin*

I also like reading, especially classics and science fiction... they don't much go together, don't they? :-) Well I probably want to get out of my time and go to either the past or future. I like Louisa May Alcott, and Nicholas Fisk. My favourite books are Little Women, You Remember Me, and Rilla of Ingleside.

At home I live with my brothers and sisters and also my grandparents, Granmama and Pop. I am the newest member of the family, being adopted on 18th January 1998, but they're treating me like their own, so I don't mind. Kevin is also adopted on the same day, except a couple of minutes before me! I like Kevin best out of all my siblings, but I still think all of them are great. Kevin is 17 and he plays the guitar. Sometimes we'd play together, I'd play the melody and he'd play the chords. It's really fun. Corinne is very different from me, the only things that we have in common are we're both the girls of the Mousingley family, and we like to write, though she writes poems and I write music! Chuck is an alright boy, nothing much extraordinary about him. And Milly, she's really adorable and she calls me Nessie.

This is me with my two prized possessions, my violin and my piano!


Vanessa's Virtual Guide to Music & Literature Sites

Music and literature are my passions, and here I present you some of my favourite sites relating to them. Enjoy!
Classical MIDI Archives
There's just one word for it.... truly excellent! A must visit for any classical music fan!
My favourite MIDI collection site on the Internet
Any budding young author (most members are college students) must join this. Very helpful tips and other things.
The Young Writers Club
And for the younger crowd, another club to join.
Authoress's Realm of Poetry
Full-on literature (poetry, stories, books) by Wichi.
Wichi's The Corrs Webpage
Devoted to The Corrs.. my favourite band, and Wichi's too!
Carson Street
The internet's most interesting stop... ditto.
Well I hope you had an enjoyable time in my realm. Thank you for visiting.
Don't forget to sign our guestbook and you can email me, too, if you want. Bye!
Please don't steal anything without our permission!
(c) 1998 Mousingley Kids