On September 11th a horrible thing happened in New York, Washington D.C and Pennsylvania. 4 planes were hijacked by terrorists and crashed into buildings (except Penn - the plane hit a field). Maighan has a limited understanding of all this, but she has shocked her Mommy with what she does know. She heard that one of the planes crashed in Pennsylvania. Her immediate reaction was "Pennsylvania? Planes can't crash in Pennsylvania! That's where Uncle Ron lives!" Once she was reassured that the plane crashed into a field, and Uncle Ron lives by a Lake - no where near the field - she was okay. But she wanted to know what happened and who did it. She picked up all of this from a short time that Mommy was listening that morning. And it becae apparent a couple of days later that she understood that people had died. Thankfully she hasn't entered the stage of fearing that what happens to others will happen to her.
Maighan is a joy and comfort to her Mommy.