April 20-May 20
You are creative, dynamic, and full of fun. A loved one or child reaches for you. Don't be judgmental about his manner of communicating. Focus on feelings. Be of the heart, not of the head. TONITE: Walk over an obstacle.
May 21-June 20
Take some downtime with a loved one. Don't push so hard. You may see others as demanding and touchy. Worry less about what others are doing and thinking. Handle your own personal matters. TONITE: Happy at Home
June 21-July 22
Defer to others. The more, the merrier. Allow your playful side to emerge. Caring abounds;just let it happen. You have pushed yourself very hard, and fatigue could slow you down a little! TONITE: Hanging out.
July 23-August 22
Others run with the ball. Knowing when to stay relaxed is critical. Let others reveal their true colors; ultimatly, this situation is more important than the immediate situation. Don't take on any more responsibility. TONITE: Entertain and be entertained.
August 23-September 22
Events of late have stretched your nerves and energy. Be willing to say "enough" and stop pushing. Letting go brings unusual events. If you don't relax, your health will suffer. Do what is good for you; recharge and relax. TONITE: Do something different.
September 23-October 22
Allow more fun and livliness into a key relationship. A partner or amour can be quite playful. Incorprate freedom into your friendships. Give up the need to control. Your imagination sometimes goes wild. TONITE: have fun!
October 23-November 21
You have an excellent manner, and you communicate your bottom line with ease. Another still might choose not to hear. Be careful with funds. Refuse to make a financial agreement in the presesnt climate. Others go out of their way for you. TONITE: Relax at home.
November 22-December 21
Be more realistic about a domestic matter. You really might need to clean house and revamp. A fresh start is possible, but only if you are willing to clear the decks. Check out a piece of property carefully. It might be just what you want! TONITE: Talk about possibilities.
December 22-January 19
Launch plans you've been considering to make your life even better. Price different options carefully. Make calls and speak to others who have more expertise than you. You get good advice; Listen. TONITE: Relax over a meal at a local eatery.
January 20-February 18
Make important financial resolutions. You might want to get a head start on your taxes or formulate a budget on the near future. Follow through on what you know to be right for you. No one can make your decisions for you. Assume responsibilities. TONITE: Pay Bills.
February 19-March 20
Beam in what you want, but be clear about what you need. Your personality alone convinces others to go along with you. If you are in sync with your long term goals, you can seize the moment and go for what you want. TONITE: You are like a magnet!