Wiseman header

Hello, everybody! Guess What?! You're at my links page (Oh my gosh! Arsonite's gone WACKO). Please send me all your EVIL links (okay, I'll throw some "nice" links in there too). And lookey here. My first link IS a nice link.

Culbyorne's Sailor Moon Page-Pretty cool!

Pluto's Gateway-The home of a very special friend of mine. I'm very fond of her ^_-

Neptune's Palace-Awesome page!

Romguy's Sailor Moon Page-Has some good links, including my own, of course ^_^

The Moon Kingdom-Not much yet, but the page looks like it has possibilities.

Mira's Haven-Has an SM RPG.

da bar

I'll do anything to improve my page, so direct all e-mail to Arsonite at:
©1997 Dark Moon Productions 1