Lauren's Birth Story

Lauren Alys Howell

Born June 17,1999 @ 2:58 pm.
Weighing 8lbs even and was 20½ in. long

The Birth Story

I was scheduled to be induced at 7:30 am on June 17. Being 1 day over due by the ultrasound but by LMP I was 18 days over due. We arrived at the hospital (Martin Army Community Hospital) at 7:25 am. I was put in a room and all the paper work started. By 10am everything was finished and the pit was started.
By 10:30 I was having painfull contractions every 5 mins, but nothing had changed I was still 3-4 cm dilated.
Well at 11:30 my dr came in and broke my water and then OH BOY the very painful contractions started. Well when he broke my water he noticed it had a very thick meconium(?) so from then they had to monitor the baby very close. They started an amniofussion to clean all of it out of the baby's lungs. Well after all that was finished he said I was a good 4 -4½ cm then that my epidural could be started then.
It took the guy what seemedlike ages to get there by this time i was in so much pain all i could do was cry.The epi was finialy finished at about 12:30 I was then checked again and had went from 4 to 6½cm in 30 mins Just knew it would not be to much longer So I tried to get some sleep which was hard to do cause the epi didn't take all the pain I could still feel the pressure.
At about 2pm my nurse had to go to a meeting so she told me I better hold that baby in till she got back cause by then I was 7½ cm. Well at about 2:30 I was feeling some major pain that the epi was not helping at all.
They called the dr in to check to find i was then 9cm and the baby was on its way. So they got everything set up and that time my nurse walked in and said "What you wasn't gonna wait on me to get back?" *S*.
I started pushing at about 2:50 and at 2:58 Lauren Alys came into the world with the cord around her neck at that. They had to wisk her away to get her cleaned out cause of the meconium(?).
It was a very scarry few mins till I heard her cry. She was alright all the fluid was clear she did not get any of the meconiu.(?) in her lungs.
She weighed 8lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long with blue eyes and very little blonde hair.
She is such a good baby she is now 3 1/2 weeks old. I have added some pics so Plese go look at how big she has gotten in her 3 short weeks.