CDC Logo

Welcome to CDCcomics. It's my series of online comics which I display despite my lack of art talent.


I won't be updating this site for a while. I have too much on my plate and I want to focus on my final semester in college. After that I will see what I can do about all these ideas bouncing in my head.

So the best thing to do now is let me know if you would like to know when I update again. Just email me at and I will send you an email the next time I put up a new CDC.

It will definitely be this year, I have the ideas I just have no time to organize them.

I've notice that the counter is pretty high for the first issue and low for the others. Here's the deal if you want to read the next issue click on the number so to read FB #2 click on #2 under the FB image. Do the same for Relak U and James' Gang.

Hey guys if you have any comments email me or write up a comment in my guest book.