I attended Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas for three semesters before realizing that it was not my gig and dropped out. Don't be suprised if you've never heard of it either. I've lived in Kansas all my life and I never even knew it exsisted until my sister started going there about four years before me. It is a small, private college and has somewhere around 600-650 people attending it. As far as activities go.....i've played the piano since I was in the third grade (damn that's a long time), I also participated in theatre quite a bit throughout high school and college.
Once I dropped out of school I came back home and helped my dad during the winter. He owns a carnival and there is alot of fixing up that needs to be done during the off season. After college however, I changed things a bit. I no longer live in the same house. My boyfriend (who is now my husband) and I bought a house together and I've had to convert to getting a "real job" during the winter. I worked at Hastings, that's a music/movie/book store, for a couple years. A great place to spend a bunch of money : ) No paycheck for me.... And I also started a second job at H&R Block as a tax preparer. Well, I'm not at Hastings anymore but I'm still working as a tax preparer and I also teach a few classes for H&R Block in the fall before tax season starts. Other than that I just tend to hang out with my friends, work a little bit if it's necessary, and pretty much just take it easy.
On a different note....my parents owns a carnival. Brendon and I own a few of our own things and we travel with them in the summer. Before my dad owned it my grandfather owned it, so I guess you could say that I've grown up with it all my life. This means that I've never had a summer where I just hung out with my friends. And is it bad when you know the swimming pools of other towns better than you know the one in the town that you live in? When I think about it, I think it would be nice just for one summer to go somewhere and hang out with my friends, but I also think about how much fun I have working on the carnival and I think that I would miss it tremendously. It's kind of funny when I tell people that I work on a carnival because then they automatically assume that I'm the Bearded Lady : ) That's okay with me though. Just another nickname to add to the list.
My latest most exciting news is that I finally got married. You guessed it, to the cute boy who's mug is on here, but a few pages down. We were together for about four and a half years and we lived together for about two years when we finally tied the knot. We got married on May 20, 2003 and of course there will be some pictures here in a bit. It was a great time as you will see.
P.S. Just in case you haven't noticed them all over the place yet, I like frogs... alot!!
Last Revision : 12 March 2006 by Spaceygenes