The Great and Wonderful Spaceygenes
shows off her talent!!!

This page is for my artwork that I'm proud of and not scared to show on the web. As you can see, there isn't very many pics yet : ) (if that tells you anything...) Really, I'm not that bad of an artist. Most of this work was done when I was still in high school. I just haven't had much time to do anything big and neat since then. Enjoy...

Monkey and a tea cup This monkey was done in a bunch of different mediums. The blue background was done in newspaper then painted over with acrylic. The monkey was done in left-over wall paper scrapes, then shaded with oil pastels. The black at the bottom was also painted with acrylic. The tea cup was also left-over wall paper scrapes. I painted over the wall paper with water colors in the same pattern.
We were studying Salvador Dali (whom is one of my favorite painters!!) in class when I did this painting. Our assignment was to take a part of one of Dali paintings and paint it, but to then add our own artwork in the form of his work. The hand with the egg and flower is taken from his "Metamorphosis of Narcissis" painting and the shape on stilts was just a shape I made up but put on stilts because he has that reoccuring in many of his works. Salvador Dali impression
The Colonel
This is the colonel. He was done with water colors. He's done in black and white except for his ribbon on his eye piece. I know you can't really tell in this picture, but the ribbon is purple.
This is another one of those "I know it's hard to tell, but...." pictures. Brendon got me a new airbrush for my 20th birthday and this was our first attempt to do anything. We sanded and primered the tank then sprayed it purple. The flames start out black at the front then fade to a dark blue to a light blue. Then we sprayed a chameleon purple over the whole thing and cleared it. I did, however, learn from this picture to take the picture before you clear something :) sporty tank
peace stepping stone I also have picked up the skill of making stepping stones (if you have any cool ideas or you want one, let me know...) This one was made for my mom. She came up with the cool idea of using beer tops for this and she wanted a peace sign (yeah...she's a hippie...), so I made this for her.

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Last Revision : November 09 2000 by Spaceygenes 1