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Bryan's Gallery

This is Bryan's artwork. He's been drawing since before he could walk, and it's evident by his close attention to detail.

New Stuff!

--as of 6/05/99--

wolvievsabsorb.jpg Wolverine winning a fight against....I forget the name he gave....but he absorbs people's energy. A bit mad are we, Wolvie? ^_~
nextgen.jpg A, well, next generation of comic book characters!
morerainbow.jpg A panel from his Rainbow comic, featuring a very nice-looking cityscape.
irontorch.jpg Ironman vs. The Human Torch. I don't think I need to say more. It's just awesome!
cartoon.jpg This one's priceless! An original cartoon of his.
shadowstorm.jpg A very nice pic of another of his comics.
superman.jpg Another Wizard reject, featuring Superman stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Honestly, I don't know why it was rejected, since it's way better than some of the stuff they've actually accepted.

rainbow.jpg And here we have the lovely Rainbow, his original character. Acute attention to detail and very lively colors. I'd love to see an actual anime series of this.
rainbow2.jpg Another picture of Rainbow.
rainbow3.jpg Many views of the lovely Rainbow
rainbow4.jpg An actual page from the Rainbow comic.
rainbow5.jpg Yet another comic page featuring Rainbow.
predvmagnus.jpg Predator vs. Magnus! Battle of the Century!
nightrunner.jpg An original character of his.
invincible.jpg The cast of Invincible Studios!
elfdwarf.jpg A female elf leaping up to fight a dwarf. Great detail!
artwars.jpg Poor Bryan trapped in his studio with all his characters!
weaponx.jpg My personal favorite Marvel character, Wolverine, a.k.a. Weapon X. Looking his usual wild best.
model.jpg A lifelike drawing of a model's face, done in pencil. Very good use of shading and blending, especially in the hair.
badboys.jpg The bad boys of the Marvel Universe. He sent this to Wizard magazine, but for some unearthly reason they didn't print it. Looking at it, I can't see why.
nightcrawler.jpg Yes, it's our favorite teleporting mutant. Extremely detailed, and not looking happy.

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