YMCA Storer Camp

                                   On April 26-28 we attended camp at YMCA Storer Camp. We had an exciting adventure. Here is what we did.

We arrived at camp around 7:30 pm. When we arrived the girls noticed a guy wearing a goofy green hat and were immediately wondering and laughing about this guy. We headed to our cabins, Appleseed and Boone, and were given bunk assignments. We made our beds and then headed to the firepit for our campfire singalong. The same guy, a counselor named Brandon was there. He taught the girls tons of funny songs, and really made then laugh and feel comfortable away from home. He turned out to be there best buddy during the weekend, and even sat down to eat meals with the girls in the mess hall. After campfire we headed to our activity room, where we watched the musical "Cats" for our theater badge, and then washed up and headed to bed.

The next moring we got ready for 8:30 breakfast, after which we attended our first activity of the day, "Gimme Shelter". We learned how to make shelters in the woods using nothing more that what was available on the ground. Whew!, hard work. Next activity was a "Scavenger Hunt", where we ran to all ends of the camp to search out different items. All this running made us hungry for lunch. After lunch our first activity was "Archery". The girls had turns using the bows and arrows at the targets, and boy do we have some good shots in the troop! After archery we were off to "Horseback Riding". We headed over to the barn where we saddled up and took a ride through the beautiful fields of the camp. Our next activity was "Arts & Crafts", where we made dreamcatchers. These were great fun. Next came dinner, and some free time in our cabins. We needed it! Later we headed over for "Skit Night", where the girls did various skits with our two favorite girls counselors, Beth and Tiffany. Beth and Tiffany taught us a song that they wanted us to sing the next morning to Brandon at breakfast. We would surprise him, and the girls thought this would be great. With our plan hatching, we headed off to watch some more of "Cats", which thanks to Mrs.Westmoreland's commentary, was rather easy to follow. The girls really liked it.

The next morning we headed off to breakfast, and right on cue, sang our song in front of everyone in the dining hall. (kind of embarrassing) Brandon, who was sitting with the girls as we sang this goofy banana song to him, was totally surprised and tried to sneak off. We got a round of applause from the rest of the campers, and finished up our breakfast, packed up our gear and loaded the vehicles. Then we all got our faced painted like our favorite character from "Cats", said our good-byes, and headed for home. We stopped at McDonald's along the way for lunch and got quite a few looks and smiles, and all in all it was an excellent trip to camp.
