

Gloria's Castle


The Dove of Peace flies from site to site
through as many countries as possible.
Please help it make a line around the globe
by taking it with you or passing it on to another.
Let it lead you to your very own dove.


The Lesson

Deep in a castle,
While exploring one day
A tiny firefly got lost,
And now he tries to find his way.

The rooms are all in darkness,
He does not see the light of day,
No sunlight through a window,
Only himself to show the way.

But pity not this firefly,
His light will see him through
And herein lies the lesson,
A gift from him and me, to you.

As you journey through each day,
Please try with all your might
To remember, no matter how deep the darkness,
We are all our own shining light.

Gloria Green June,1998bfly


To see what we have never seen,
to be what we have never been,
to shed the chrysalis and fly,
depart the earth, kiss the sky,
to be reborn, be someone new:
Is this a dream or is it true?

Can our future be cleanly shorn
from a life to which we're born?
Is each of us a creature free-
or trapped at birth by destiny?
Pity those who believe the latter.
Without freedom, nothing matters.

bflyThe Book of Counted Sorrows


Hello and thank you for stopping by.
My name is Gloria, and I invite you to come in
and explore my castle. Inside you'll find stories, poems,
animals, fantasy, pictures, all kinds of stuff actually *smile*.
Some of the poems and stories were written by me, some
I found in books. Either way the authors name is always
listed below the work. Before you leave please take a
moment to sign my guestbook. And I invite you to come back
again, for my door is always open to cherished visitors like you.


These are the areas for you to explore, and please note that
most of these areas branch off so that there is much to
explore beyond what is listed here.There are many rooms in
my castle and I hope you'll stop a moment in each one.Also during
your journey "home" always refers to here, the castle entrance.

Mythical Realm
Furry Friends
The Wolves Den
My Garden
Seasonal Celebrations
Private Suite
Zodiac Signs
Collector's Showcase
WOSIB Dedication
Warrens Ship of Dreams

~this is a link to my Sweetie's site~
Please stop by for a visit.

If you would prefer to travel using the menu below
please note that the areas highlighted with a star*
are meant as the starting point for each particular area.



SignGuestbook View

View my previous Guestbookbutton




Justice came here on July 23, 1998 to
watch over my castle and all of those who enter.

March 27, 2002


The music playing is entitled "BetterTime".
Used with permission from Tom and Judith Williams.
(Thank you so very much.) PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE.




