Welcome to the

Crystal Sun Virtual Cattery

You are person number to stop by since September 16th, 1998.

please note that this cattery has been recently ressurected from the dead and is currently under major reconstruction.


Adopt A Cat!

(read first here about adopting cats)


visit cats that I've adopted

see pictures of my real cats

check out the Cyber Cat Association homepage
they are crazy people who are into crazy super-involved catterys

Who am I then?
My name is Kathleen, I live in California, I am 15 years old and going into 11th grade so I dont really have time for an involved cyber cattery. I like cats and drawing creative things with computers and then showing them off on my website like this. I've also drawn some of those cartoon dolls but they aren't all disproportioned like most dolls you'll find.

This is the main portion of my site, and this is my email.