ViSiToRs BeWaRe
WhEn ExPlOrInG tAkE eXtRa CaRe
PrOceEd OnLy If YoU dArE
4 oNcE yOu MeEt YoUr FaTe
No MaTtEr HoW u ScRaPe
ThErE iS nO eScApE!!
Welcome everybody to my cozy yet slightly crazy home on the web. The above may not be a true reflection of what is in store, but then … (I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions)
When people -- family, friends, foes, schoolmates, news anchors, test pilots, terrorists, and total strangers alike ask me about the theme of my yet-to-be (and never will be at this rate)completed homepage, I am usually reduced to a stammering preschool kid, flabbergasted and unable to string words into decent sentences.
Well, come to think of it, WHY should I have a particular theme for my homepage? It's MY home and I'll jolly well put whatever I want in it, regardless of the order of things, or whether there actually is a theme or not. (Ignore me, I'm talking gibberish)
"Life is a box of chocolates…" Grumpy Forest once said. So think of this as a 1-D / 2-D / 3-D / 4-D assortment of chocolates…with anything and everything jumbled up into one.
Most of you are probably bored of the continuous flow of text ( heh, I know, my sis warned me). But as they say, the forbidden fruit IS tempting, is it not?
have dared venture into this demented being's lair since 28 November 1998.