Girl's Online- The coolest club for girls!

Get a pen and a pencil with paper right now. As you go along write down the letter that you pick. At the end look at the numbers and see what letter you get. For each question all the letters heve a number. When your done add that up and then look down to see whether she is or whether he/she is not your best bud.

1) When you go to school do they:

a) Run up to you. (3)
b) Stay with their other friends. (2)
c) pretend that your not there. (1)

2) When you are asked to pick partners , do they:

a) Come and say "Lets get working!" (3)
b) Go to another friend of theirs. (2)
c) say "Next time." (1)

3) When you ask them to come with you to a party they say:

a) "Lets go , we'll have fun!" (3)
b) "Well it's not possible because I have other things to do." (2)
c) "Sorry , no can do" (1)

4) When someone says something bad about you they:

a) Stick up for you. (3)
b) walk away (2)
c) Go along with the gang. (1)

5) When you say that you are best friends to her she says:

a) "I know and we will be best friends forever!" (3)
b) "Ya , we are best friends" (2)
c) "Um , I think" (1)

Now add up the scores by looking at the letter you picked and seeing the number next to it in brackats. Add it up then look down to see what you are.


Great Friend - 12-20

O.k Friend - 11-8

Not so good a friend - 1-7

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