Romancing the Planets - Author's Notes I strongly suggest that these notes are read before the stories. In fact I will assume that readers have read these notes. Okay minna-chan - I'm Angel Eternal and I'd like to invite you into my slightly modified Sailor Moon world. But first of all, I suggest that this series is rated PG. It's not overly rude or anything like that...but I've been told that the last scenes are albeit too dark and morbid. Not disgusting mind you, but slightly disturbing. The epilouge is a bit... well don't look at advisor is right there, blast her. Personally I think it's fine, but... Thanks to my best friend Anna, who critcises all of my work, to Emily (Cyperian of Cyprus) my oh so talented editor, and to Alexis-chan for encouragement. Also to Sailor Juno, thank you for your constructive criticism, I would greatly appreaciate more of it. I would also love to hear what you think of this one. Also, I love e-mail...critcism, praise...everything is welcome; and I try to respond to every single one. In fact I do. The 'Romancing the Planets' series each focus on a different senshi. Now as this is a fanfic, this has no place in the actual anime or manga. To clear some stuff up, this is not a reflection back on the time of the Silver Millenium, rather stories from those times. These stories also overlap at some points, in fact the events are the same,merely told from different views. If you don't want to read all the different points of views, I suggest you read only one, the scout of your choice. Note of caution however - I have cut out a scene here and there that will appear in another story...probably because I think that scene won't add anything to that particular Scout's story. But you get the gist anyway, if all you're after is the main story, than by all means just read one. Dartenion = is a small planet of my creation. It is located in the middle of the Solar System. This is the Senshi's training ground. The concept of this planet would be elabortaed on in 'Romancing the Planets - Venus' Communication crystals = crystals you touch to get in contact with someone - like a phone. Communicator = like the ones they have at the anime. The Outer Senshi also appear, but very fleetingly. They are not the focus of these stories. I didn't invent Western names for them. Keep in mind that I have only seen the DiC version, I haven't had the pleasure of watching the Japanese version, so I m unsure of their characteristics. The names = I am aware that Serena was Princess Serenity, but since Queen Serenity is in this, I don't want to get confused. Oh another thing, Andrew in my version of the Silver Millenium is a Prince from some distant planet, named Leumeah. He is also Darien's cousin. Greg, is Prince Gregory of Ten'kai (Gregory). Darien, obviously the Prince of Earth. Ken, a Prince of Dracoria (Kenneth) Chad, is a servant in the Fire Palace. What planet the various 'heros' come from aren't really important, but it just helps when the introductions are taking place. I guess that's enough from me...on with the story!