How To Get to Heaven


  1. Keep Your Hands and Feet To Yourself
  2. Be Loud When It's Time to Be Loud
  3. Be Quiet When It's Time to Be Quiet
  4. Save Your Prizes until the End
  5. Have Fun!

Prize Method

Please refer to the for more ideas on a prize method. Use one method for a few weeks, then change to another method.
Game #1 - Frosty the Snowman

You will need one cup of icing for each pair of players. You will also need a small handful of coloured candies or smarties for each pair of players. We used 2 sets of girls and 2 sets of boys. Each player will need a partner. On "Go", one of the partners puts icing all over the face of the other partner. Then they can put smarties on to decorate. The object of the game is to see how nice they can make their snowman look, not how fast can they decorate them. The players have 60 seconds to decorate their snowman partner. When the time is up, have kids cheer for who they think is decorated the nicest. The winner is the team who gets the loudest cheers! Play upbeat, energetic music while the game is being played. The music starts on "Go" and stops when the time is up. Encourage kids to cheer loudly for their team. This is a good time to hand out incentives!
Bible Story

Today's story is on the theme "How to get to Heaven". The kids we work with happen to like the Ricky Lake show, a lot! (A Teen Talk Show) We do not necessarily approve of this show, but we have taken the concept and used it to our benefit!
This skit takes several actors. We do not normally have this many helpers in our program, so we took advantage of the opportunity while we had so many talented people! There are five characters in this play, but it could be adapted to fit any number of actors that you can come up with.
Talk Show Host (Ricky Lake)
Sports Jockey
Popular Student

The parts for the characters are ad lib. I have written the general idea that the actor is trying to relate, but it is up to the person to play the part! Be sure to dress in appropriate costumes!
The talk show host asks each quest two questions.
1. Describe their daily lifestyle. (So kids can get an idea of what their character is like)
2. Tell us what you think is the way to get to heaven.
Responses to Question #1:
Sports Person: Get up at 4:00 am, to go jogging. Jogs for 2 hours, then goes to work out at the gym. After he's done at the gym, he goes to basketball practice, then goes to swimming class, then to go play tennis. For his evening activities, he plays squash, hockey, and soccer.
Popular Student: Gets up, has a shower, takes 2 hours to do her hair and make up, goes to school, talks with all her friends, gets home, and talks on the phone all night.
Nerd: goes to school 3 hours early, and stays 4 hours after school is done. Any extra time is spent at the library, studying, or reading the dictionary.
Christian: describe a typical day, that the kids in your group can relate to. E.g. get up, go to school, come home, do homework, help mom get supper ready, after supper, go to bible study at church. Etc.

Responses to Question #2.
Sports Person: Get to heaven by wearing Nike shoes! These shoes can take you anywhere!
Popular Student: Get to heaven by having lots of boyfriends, and being very popular, by being nice to everyone, and only talking to the cool people.
Nerd: If you have a chalkboard handy, have the nerd start writing out a scientific explanation, using calculations, and lots of scribbles, of arrows, circling words, etc as he speaks. Being very smart, and figuring out the right calculations will get you to heaven.
Christian: To get to heaven, you need to have a relationship with Jesus, God's Son. He died on the cross, so that we could live with Him. It is important to ask Him to forgive you for the bad things you did, but then try your best do live the way God would want you to. By reading your Bible, and talking to God everyday, it helps you know how God wants you to live. All God wants is for you to Love Him!

Allow for the "studio audience" to ask questions. Kids usually have some unique questions, and this gives them a change to ask them. Allow this to happen for a few minutes, until kids start to get bored, or time runs out.

The Conclusion: Have the talk show host review the answers each guest gave to the question, "How do you get to heaven?" Explain why the first 3 are not good, and then talk about the last guest, and that there answer seams to make sense. Conclude by giving each kid an opportunity to respond, and ask Jesus to be their friend, so they can go to heaven someday too! Close in a repeat after me prayer.

Helpful Hint: On talk shows, wild music is usually played as the guest enters, and the audience cheers. We did this and it really added to the effect! Also, don't bring in all your guests at once. Bring in the first guest, and ask them the two questions. Then bring in the next guest and ask them the two questions etc. This helps keep the focus on each of the characters.

Because of the energy we put into this skit, and the great ad libbing job of the actors, this skit took aprox. 20 minutes. Because this took so long, we did not have time to play a second game.
Memory Verse

Believe in the Lord Jesus and You will be saved. Acts 16:31

Scramble each word, and put each scrambled word on a piece of paper. Tape them to a wall or chalkboard in a column, one word under the other. Then, put each word, not scrambled in a column beside the scrambled words. Be sure to have the unscrambled words out of order. Choose a volunteer from the boy's side. Have a helper ready to time him with a stopwatch. On "Go" he must put the unscrambled word beside the correct scrambled word to make a match. He will be done when all the unscrambled words are beside scrambled ones. Have the audience help you check to see that they are all correct. Then have the audience help you read the verse together. Mix up the words again. Then choose a girl volunteer. Now, she has a turn to do it. The person who gets the words in the right order, in the least amount of time wins. Encourage the kids to yell out suggestions of where to put the words. Play upbeat music while the player is placing the words in their spots. Stop the music when they are finished. Have the kids help you say the verse again several times after the girls have a turn too!

Close in prayer.

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