Who's in the House?
- Keep Your Hands and Feet To Yourself
- Be Loud When It's Time to Be Loud
- Be Quiet When It's Time to Be Quiet
- Save Your Prizes until the End
- Have Fun!
Prize Method
Please refer to the
Prize Methods Page
for more ideas on a prize method. Use one method for a few weeks, then change to another method.
Game #1 - Baby Food Flick
This is a MESSY GAME! Choose 4 players for each team. 2 of the players will get VERY MESSY. Put garbage bags over the people who will be getting very messy! Have the players sit in partners, 2 messy and 2 not so messy players, sitting opposite from each other. Give the not so messy players a plastic spoon and a jar of babyfood. On "Go" the players with the baby food must "flick" the baby food into the mouths of the Messy Players, by using the spoon as a catapolt. The player who finishes the jar of baby food, and who gets the most in their partner's mouth wins! Play upbeat, energetic music while the game is being played. The music starts on "Go" and stops when someone wins. Encourage kids to cheer loudly for their team. This is a good time to hand out incentives!
Carman Video - "Who's In the House?"
For a change in the routine, we did not do a story, because the salvation message/object lesson was going to take so long, so we did a video instead. This song was very upbeat, and relevant to this group of kids. It talks about who's in your house, or your heart? Jesus? The kids loved it. If you don't have access to this particular video, "Carman Live - Breaking the Standard", then perhaps choose another video that they may enjoy. The song we played was 5 minutes long, at the most and we had a video projection machine to make the image Very Large on the wall! Something different is always a nice change.
Salvation Message - Object Lesson
You will need a bowl of flour, a loaf of bread, (unsliced is preferred, but not necessary), a small glass, and gingerbread man cookie cutter, red and green foodcolouring
In the beginning, a long, long time ago, God created man. He made man from dust in the ground. (pick up some flour in your hand, and blow it into the air.) And poof! Man was created. (Hold up loaf of bread). Now lets pretend that this loaf of bread represents all of mankind. Now, lets talk about you. (Slice off a piece of bread) God created you. A long time ago, sin came into this world, and messed up everything. (Use the glass to cut a circle out of the centre of the slice of bread.) Now, in every person, there is a hole. The only thing that can fill that hole is Jesus. But some people don't know that. They feel this hole in them, and try to fix it with other things. Some people try to use another person to fill the hole. (Use the gingerbread man to cut into another piece of bread and make a person shape. Try to make the person fit into the circle hole in the first slice of bread. It doesn't fit.) Some people try to get a boyfriend, or girlfriend to make them feel loved and accepted. But it doesn't work. The hole is still there. (Cut out a rectangle shape of bread, to represent money. Use the green food colouring to draw a dollar sign on it.) Some people try to use money to fill the hole. (Try to put the money into the cirlce hole) But it doesn't work. There is only one thing that can fill the hole. (Use the red food coloring to draw a cross on the circle.) Jesus is the only one that can fill the hole in your life. You can try all different things, but they won't fit. People were made to have God in their life, but when sin came along, it recked everything. Jesus fixed the problem by dying on the cross, but now it is up to you to put the right piece of the puzzle back into your life. All you have to do is ask Jesus to be there!
Game #2 - Fireman Rescue
Choose 2 players per team to be the firemen. Choose 5 more players for each time to be the victims. You will need 1 old blankets or sleeping bag for each team. On "Go", the first victim jumps onto the blanket. The two firemen then take one corner each, and drag the person sitting on the blanket to the finish line and back. Then the second victim jumps on, and the first one gets off, and the firemen take that person to the finish line and back. Continue this until all the players have had a turn. The first team to be sitting in a straight line wins! Play upbeat, energetic music while the game is being played. The music starts on "Go" and stops when someone wins. Encourage kids to cheer loudly for their team. This is a good time to hand out incentives!
Memory Verse
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13
Get someone, helper or kid, who can rap the verse. To get even more kids involved, get a few kids to "keep the beat" or be the human band. If you don't have any talented kids, you may wish to use a tape called "Nitro Praise". This has one side with words, and the otherside with just music. The music side would be perfect to "rap" to. Choose a song that has a fast beat to it! Puppets make great rappers too!
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