Alicia - 01/29/00 18:04:49 My URL: My | Comments: Hey! Your center is looking great! Hopefully soon I'll be a CL too! Well keep up the good work! |
- 12/17/99 08:21:58 | Comments: |
Megan Penrose - 11/24/99 03:44:22 My Email:Lizzio5@ | Comments: |
Danielle - 09/30/99 13:37:02 My | Comments: Ilove what you done with the litle teddy bears. |
Anat - 08/06/99 16:52:02 My URL: My | Comments: This is a WOW website! I really love everything you're offering here. Because of you the Enchanted Forest and the Tower looks much more friendly. Keep up the *wonderful* work! |
martine massarelli - 07/15/99 00:25:37 My URL: My | Comments: i'm a kid, but i live in area51. but i think i might extend my web pages in the enchanted forest tower!! it's so colourful and fun! |
The GeoFriend - 06/11/99 18:54:58 My URL: My | Comments: This is a wonderful community to live in. Keep up the good work Community Center :) Your Friend, The GeoFriend |
Sandi - 05/02/99 15:58:33 My URL: My | Comments: Great job on the Community Center. It looks wonderful!! |
JiaJie - 05/02/99 01:20:35 My URL: My | Comments: I am happy to see this center. |