A_Vampire_Enchantress' Information Page

Name ~
Kimberleigh by birth, but I have always been called called Kim by my friends and family.
Gender ~
Height ~
Eyecolor ~
Emerald green, changing tints and sometimes colors with mood.
Haircolor ~
Black, containing platinum blonde streaks.
Known Family ~
Husband Sting, son Mathuew, daughter Gwyna, and grandson Chris.
Friends ~
I have many friends, most people I meet I call my friend.
Weapons Carried ~
I carry a katana strapped onto my right hip when I need to defend myself. I Keep a few daggers hidden on my body at all times incase they are needed. My katana was enchanted by a powerful wizard last time I went to study magic under him. It has been passed down through my family for many generations.
Magic Known ~
I know a vast amount of magic and I'm learning more, but I specialize in healing.
Strengths ~
The charachteristic heightened strength of the vampire, the power of hypnosis, and magic abilites to name a few.
Details of Strengths ~ All are self explanitory. The hypnosis is achieved when someone stares into my gaze for an extended amount of time. The subject must be male, and I usually have to want to hypnotize them. If they want bad enough, they will fall under the spell anyway.  I have put many people under my influences that way.
Weaknesses ~
Do you honestly think I'm that stupid to post something like that here?
Usual Hangouts ~ Mainly the taverns and bars of Ayanee if I'm not at home with my husband and family.
Description Of Home ~ My cave was destroyed, but my husband is currently building a new home for us.  Untill is it completed I live with him in his very large tower.
Brief Summary of Past
~ I was not born a vampire, but turned to one hundreds of years ago. If you wish to know the story, ask. Sometimes I am inclined to share the tales over a good drink. I have had a painful past however and do not like to share it with many.

Page updated May 15, 2003. More to come as soon as it's available.
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