Go Where Ya Need To!
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This page has some links that I have not had time to check but they
were given to me by a very reliable source. So, try 'em out and good luck. Let
me know which are good and which are not by email please.
Lesson Plans
Fun Mathematics
Lessons (grades 2 - 12): www.rice.edu/~lanius/Lessons/ This
site, by Rice University math instructor Cynthia Lanius, offers a set of tutorials and
lessons on interesting topics ranging from cartography, algebra, geometry, and problem
solving to calculus.
The Chance Database: http://www.geom.umn.edu/docs/snell/chance/welcome.html
This site includes course
outlines, current event articles, and discussion questions to help link the study of
probability to real-worl events.
Lesson Plan Databases
Ask Eric Digest: ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons
Athena Earth Science Lessons: athena.wednet.edu/curric/oceans/elnino/
Classroom Connect GRADES: www.classroom.com
Forefront Curriculum (Sarah's Site): www.4forefront.com
Pacific Bell's Blue Web'n: www.kn.pacbell.corn/wired/bluewebn
McREL: www.mcrel.org
NWREL-Library in the Sky: www.nwrel.org
Of Page
Math Help
Math Abundance
(grades 9 -12): www.ping.be/~ping1339/hp.htm This
witty site offers tutorials on topics from pre-Algebra through Calculus. The designers sum
up their site this way: "As we worked our way through various math classes throughout
the years, we often became confused or lost. At first we decided it might have been
all the sleeping and talking we did during class, but we knew it couldn't be that
simple... So here's a site for people like us... easy ways to learn concepts.
MathFlash (grades
2 - 8): www.edu4kids.com/math Here is a good
example of computers doing what computers do best. Straight foward computation flash
cards are generated by this site.
DAU Math Refresher
(grades 3 - 12): www.cne.gmu.edu/modules/dau/math/index.html
Designed as a tool to review basic arithmetic through calculus, this site is charmingly
designed with the organizational metaphor of a subway systemthat students travel through
as they complete each topic. The students will have to have pencil and paper ready
to work out the problems.
Mission: Critical
(grades 7 - 12): www.sjsu.edu/depts/itl/ This project of
The Institute of Teaching and Learning offers a large set of tutorials on logic and
thinkning skills.
Web Math (grades 3
- 12): www.webmath.com/index.html This impressive
math site is set up to provide computerized step-by-step tutorials on most individual
problems in almost any math topic.
The ArithmAttack: www.dep.anl.gov/aatack.htm How many computer-generated arithmetic problems can you
answer in 6o seconds?" That's the challenge posed to visitors at this visually
simple, math-driven website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National
Laboratory. Kids (and parents!) can choose addition, subtraction, multiplication, or
division problems or ask the computer to offer a random selection. More effective
and much more fun than flash cards. EW's rating: B+
Coolmath.com: www.coolmath.com
This site is great for many things math. So check it out.
Top Of
Places to send you students
Case: www.thecase.com Solve brief whodunits, catch up on the latest thriller and mystery books,
and create brainteasers on this site from the Online Mystery Network. Junior sleuths will
find mini-mysteries, magic tricks, and "chiller" stories, but the site is also
home to Nancy Drew online, and fans of the young detective can play Shockwave games or
check out the heroine's latest adventures. EW's rating: A
FunBrain: www.funbrain.com
Schools should take a lesson from this clever, colorful site from PM Publishing, which
focuses on skills from map reading to piano playing. Lively games like
"Grammar Gorillas" encourage kids to find their own words to write wacky tales
or to create customized word-search puzzles. This site teaches children how to use
the most important too of all -- their brains. EW's rating: A
Too Cool for Grownups
(www.tcfg.com) Don't
worry, parents, you'll not be dissed here. With each issue of this well-designed
Ezinc out of Chapel Hill, N.C., preteens and teenagers alike are taken on a guided Web
tour through worlds such as those of endangered species, undersea life, and the rain
forest. In addition to the entertaining links (Professor Bubbles? The Froggy Page?),TCFG
teaches kids how to utilize the Web to, say, chase hurricanes. After all, hurricanes are
How Stuff Works: www.howstuffworks.com It's
exactly what it says. If want to know just go looking here to find our how.
Question example: "Dad, why is the sky blue?" Dad, if you don't know
go here to find out together. The gentleman who runs the sit is named Marshall
Brain. His real name...very cool
The ePLAY Learning
Center: www.eplay.com
This is a great site for fun and learning. Kids and parents are detectives trying to
stop eBUGS from causing a virus in the computer.
for Kids: weber.u.washington.edu/~chudler/neurok.htm
See how your brain works and how it controls the body.
You Be
the Historian: www.si.edu/organiza/museums/nmah/notkid/ubh/oointro.htm
At this fascination Smithsonian site, young historians are introduced to the
Springers, and 18th century family living in Delaware, and are asked to figure out facts
about them by examining everyday objects found in their house. Trying to recognize
betty lamps and candle molds is a hoot, and guessing what future historians will learn
about your family from the Nintendos and Nikes in you won home is guaranteed to spark
lively discussion.EW's rating: A-
Observatorium: observe.ivv.nasa.gov/nasa/fun/fun_index.shtm
One giant leap for edutainment, this spacey site is a game lover's paradise.
Java supported crosswords, word searches, and memory games take on space related themes. EW rating A
Mr. Becker's Mathescientist Page
This is an excellent page for things to do for math and science.
My Hero: myhero.com
Nat'l Genealogical Society: www.genealogy.org/~ngs
Gene Treasure Map: www.firstct.com
Heroes in Space: quest.arc.nasa.gov
Heroes in Outerspace-Aliens: www.primenet.com/~jllarsen/
Top Of Page
to Lists of Links
Mathematics Education
Internet Sites http://www.wits.ac.za/ssproule/mathpage.htm
This site has a GREAT listing for many math related sites.
http://www.deakin.edu.au/~adag/: This
page is a treasure chest of links into some of the best Mathematics resources for
Education on the Internet. You will find a wealth of information for teachers and students
in Primary Schools. There is also a General Interest Page which links you to other great
This is a page full of other puzzles that you can try. Some are good for
older children, some are good for middle schoolers, some are good for adults... check it
Top Of Page
to ASK Questions
Yahooligans: www.yahooligans.com
Ask Jeeves for Kids: www.ajkids.com
Searchopolis: www.searchopolis.com
Go Kids: kids.go.com
Greeting Cards Online:
Mountain E-Greeting: www.bluemountain.com
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A math center is there.
a great game for students.
word problems for kids.
a math tour.
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