Myspace Glitters


Sadly, due to infringement lawsuits developing over the internet, I've chosen to take off all my sites having anything to do with music/midis; anthems, etc. It's a shame that it's come to this. If you are interested in reading the information I have, you may go to:

Webmasters Being Sued for Copyright Infringements


The above sign is "I Love You". I learned a while back from my deaf friend that if you cross your fingers (as in making a wish) and do this sign it's "I Really Love You!" Before we get into the fun and educational part of this home page, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I promise not to make it too boring. *S*


I am hearing impaired, and so is my oldest daughter, Anne. The type hearing loss I have is hereditary being passed on to me from my mother. I've been told that the type hearing loss I have is nerve loss and as I grow older I will be totally deaf. For this reason, I've taken courses in sign language and am not fluent in it, but know enough that I won't be left out of any conversations later in life. Both my girls have learned to sign also, which is a very nice gesture on their part. I have interpretated at weddings, funerals, and the best of all the birth of my deaf friend's baby. This was a pleasure that I can't describe....all emotions come out in expressions as well as the hands. *S* I've spoken to colleges and universities about hearing impairment and it's disadvantages. Sign language is a beautiful language and should be learned by all as a 2nd or 3rd language...Below is the title header of a short story I've written:

Welcome to My World
Hearing Impairment - the Silent Handicap


Oh! Listen to the songs of the birds...the roaring of engines...the crickets calling their mates...the cry of a newborn baby...laughter being shared between friends and family...the chimes from the church tower...leaves rustling in the wind...your loved ones telling you they love you...the beautiful music made by instruments and choirs...raindrops beating their rhythm on rooftops...the purr of your little kitten expressing its from the ice cream truck! Listen! Listen to these sounds and thank God you can hear them, for some of us in the "silent world" have never heard these sounds. To some of us, the sounds are distorted or incomplete. You see people in wheelchairs and people with seeing-eye dogs and canes and think, "Oh no! That person will never be able to run, or take a walk and enjoy the sight of God's Universe." Now, hontestly...tell me what you think of when you "see" a person with a hearing impairment. You can't answer this honestly, can you? Why? Maybe, because until you listen to this person talk (with speech impairment), or until you jump to the conclusion that this person is a snob (for ignoring you), you haven't the faintist idea that this person has a handicap! Right? For this reason, I have titled my issue:
"Hearing Impairment - the Silent Handicap" ©

A Little Bit More About Me
Visit Brownwood
Dedication to my Niece
An Inspiration
Old Glory

Some Really Good Sites for Listening to Music
Nashville New Zealand
Clark Reid's Personal Dry Fly Web Site

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