Zach and Ashley's Awesome Adventure

View of Laguna Beach just off PCH

View from atop a cliff at Laguna Beach

Local flowers

Rocky aspect of Laguna

Ashley trying to look like a mermaid

Zach looking uncomfortable in shorts

Ashley caught just before one of her "Why are you taking my picture?" glares

More local flora

Overlook of the Country Club at Dove Canyon

Zach unaware of the strange blob in the sky

Ashley looking deeply concerned about the ankle-high monsoon wave heading her way

Zach looking only somewhat more relaxed after realizing his shorts won't be in the picture

Ashley (probably laughing at Zach wearing shorts)

Nevada driver advertising the OC mindset

Santa Monica's finest cuisine

Attractions at the Santa Monica Pier

Ashley at the Huntington Beach pier (trying not to look frustrated after being dragged through an art gallery for three hours by Zach)

Zach at the Huntington Beach pier shortly before recieving a parking ticket which he may or may not have paid

Hollywood - Fred Astaire

Hollywood - Ginger Rogers

Hollywood - Judy Garland

Hollywood - Tom Hanks

Not Quite Hollywood - (Still waiting for the cement to dry)

Hollywood sign on a hazy day

Palm tree in Dova Canyon during sunrise (special thanks to Ms. Nita Mitchell for use of her palm tree and for being a very cool person)

Flowers in San Clemente

Beach near Dayna Point (special thanks to the retard for getting in the way of an otherwise beautiful picture)

Why does everyone always take pictures of palm trees?

The hottest ride to ever hit the streets of Southern California (unless you're related to Ashley then it comes behind the Volvo)

Please visit Zach's Space