Your Source For Help In World Domination

What We're About  Is World Domination Right For You?   Getting Started In Your Conquest 
 Become A Subsidiary  Troubleshooting  Oligarchy History

What We're About

Welcome to the Oligarchy, which is an organization not to be confused with Plethora. You heard me. This happens a lot. The Oligarchy is an organization that shares common interests and members with Plethora, but the two groups are different. Don't get them confused on any account! For you see, the Oligarchy is an organization bent on world domination, which means that it's not up for any fiddle-faddle nonsense. Here are its oh-so tyrannical leaders:

Matt "LlamaFett" Kendall
AnnaJune "Adgonim" Wilson
Brandon "Meth" Simmons

Please refrain from calling the Oligarchy a triumverate. Such indolence could result in a hiding.

But that's not all! For we're not only bent on world domination, but we're here to help others acheive the same goal! (Don't ask about the contradictions in that last statement; we're really just trying to allay our guilt-riddled souls.) Here at The Oligarchy, you can find insightful information about satisfying carreers in World Conquest, tips on how to get started on your way to the top, hints on troubleshooting, and read a compendium of how The Oligarchy is coming along on their quest. You can even become a subsidiary of The Oligarchy, which can be helpful if you find yourself in need of an ally (heh-heh). So feel free to learn all you want about ruling the world here! Just remember:

Never go against The Oligarchy.
Remember, Santa Claus is watching you.

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Is World Domination Right For You?

Well, ask yourself these questions:

--Are you a motivated self-starter?
--Are you dissatisfied when you don't get your way?
--Do you find yourself longing for a satisfying, long-lasting
     occupation in World Government Administration?
--Does the thought of millions and millions of people standing
     at your feet, cheering you on, seem rather appealing?

Then world domination may be the career choice for you! Just drop on in here at the Oligarchy for all your world domination needs. And remember, you can also become an Oligarchy subsidiary at no extra cost to you! Just remember:

"Pillage first, THEN raize!"

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Getting Started On Your Conquest've decided to take over the world. Sure, it sounds simple and easy down on paper, but just how does one do it? Well....hmmm...You, um......heh-heh.....
Well, why don't you go to
this page and find out how? There isn't enough room to write it all down here.

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Become A Subsidiary

      One of the many difficulties you may have found in your quest for world domination is that it is difficult to find allies. Many people admit to wanting to rule the world, but how many actually get around to accomplishing it? Sadly, not many. So we friendly folks here at The Oligarchy are willing to give you a chance to become our slav--er, er, our allies! Just fill out the form below. We give diplomatic immunity, least, when we're not busy or anything.

Give In To The Oligarchy!

Give your name and title (example: Theseus, Duke of Athens): (Do not hit return on penalty of death)

1) What kind of benefits would you like from Oligarchy?

The Deluxe Package--You fight with us in wars, and we tattoo our national symbols on your forehead.
The Intermediate Package--You pay us large sums of money and we won't hurt your children (at least, not the first born, anyway).
The Naive Tourist Package--We scam you out of all your cash, leaving you lost and bewildered in New York's Central Park, snapping random photos.
The Surprise Package--We co-exist peacefully for years, then we suddenly burst out, invade your lands and set everything on fire, except for the bubble gum and llamas, which we will keep for our greedy selves.
The Philistine Package--You spend your healthy years of youth feeding us peeled grapes, but when you become weak and old we send you to work in the mucky brick pits. You know, like in "The Ten Commandments."

2) And in exchange for all of these great benefits, what will you give us?

Your first born child
Your eyeballs
Your soul
Your piggy bank

Thanks for joining up! We'll get back to you soon, blowtorches in hand. You can go here  to see what we've acquired so far. Mwa-ha-ha-haaaaa!

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