The Ultimate Digimon Research Center

Welcome to The Research Center- The Best Place For Digimons ! Prepare To Digimon !

Hi and welcome to Tien Soon and Mark's Ultimate Digimon Research Center ! This page will be updated almost daily so please bookmark this page and come back at a later date. While this page is under construction visit Tien Soon's Extreme Digimon and Mark's Digimon Page ! Warning: The Adoption Page is not functioning properly . Do not adopt until this warning is removed !

Learn the Digimon Alphabets !?!

Guess why the Teddymon Code don't work on all Digimons ? How old your Digimon is don't affect much, the letterings behind your digimons affects most ! Yeah didn't you notice there are letters behind your Digimon (We're talking about Digimon 1). There are quite a few letters actually. They are A, B, C, D, Q, S and maybe T ! I notice that people tend to do the code easily with Grey Digimons with the letter A . The Code also work on C, Q, S and T too !

Transparent Digimon 1 Available in Singapore

Well look, this is the transparent version of Digimon 1 !!! Nothing quite special about it except the transparent casing. It is now available all round Singapore's 7-Eleven Stores !

Digimon P-1 -Nature Spirits

Yeah here they are- Digimon P-1, Digimon Ver.6, Coolest Digimon (Get the idea ???)... Wonder why it's called Digimon P-1 actually the full name is Digimon Pendulum 1 !!! Pendulum ? Why Pendulum, u may ask ! Because inside the Digimon there's a ball bearing which u can shake ! Yeah if u want to win a training or a battle against another Digimon P-1, u must SHAKE (Angels sing Aloud !). Yeah it just goes like this if u SHAKE (Angels...) the Digimon is able to shoot out a double whammi on any turn ! To win the battle u must drain your opponent life(Each starts with 3 Hit Points)! Some sort of the Arcade Fighting Game- Street Fighter !!! Yeah and u might heard, there's a JOGRES thing which u can connect with another Digimon to evolve further (Champion to Ultimate to Super Ultimate) ! There's also one cheat that only works on this Digimon ! It can age your Digimon faster ! Let us tell ya - Firstly set the time to 11.59 pm then wait for a minute then it'll be a year older ! (Get it ?) Try again and again to become a granny ! Why not take a sneak peek at Digimon P-1 !

Digimon P-2 -Deep Saver

Bandai srikes again ! The second coming of Digimon Pendulum ! First it was a rumour, now the truth ! All the characters are based on sea-creatures ! With the Fresh Digimon being a wormy thing and the In-Training, a seahorse-like creature. We already have a Digimon P-2 e-mail Mark if u want(He's eager to receive your mail). U Singaporeans can try to buy Digimon P-2 at these various places: Victoria Street, Ang Mo Kio Central and Bishan World of JJ !

Any enquiries please e-mail Tien Soon or Mark !!!

One of our latest updates is the Digimon 1 and 2 bios (sadly it is not online yet) ! The Adoption Center is now up with more rules ! The code page will be updated daily from 19/12/98 onwards ! And if you're are patient enough a Digimon 1-7 bios will be up soon ! The graveyard is up too feel free to bury your Digimon !!! The battle report page will be the next page to be available online ! So if you've any battle reports e-mail either Tien Soon or Mark!

Icon Creating Competition

And also have u notice we've a whole new name and a neater home page ! Mail us what u think and also we now have a competition ! Nothing to do with Digimon actually but for you Computer Whizzes u might like to join it ! Since this page is quite new it might need some fresh elements ! Whoever would like his or her name to enter our page hall of fame, you've to create a icon for our page ! Our page title is The Ultimate Digimon Research Center, if whoever wants to create an icon, e-mail Tien Soon with the icon as a gif, bmp or any other type of files attached !

Hullo ! I'm Picklemon ! Wanna Adopt me Click Here before u do !


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