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Caper Valley Stables

Boarding and training for you equine athlete
Excellent breedings Autumn through Spring!!!

The CVS Olympic Teams encourage you to view our medals in the barn office:
Gold in Team Dressage
- Pam, Jess, and Jennifer Dale.
Gold in Team Show Jumping - Pam and Jennifer Dale riding Just My Amajination, Follow That Star, and Glory Bound who won it by "a few tenths!"
Bronze in Team Hunter over Fences - Pam and Jess riding Fancy That, Final Outcome, and Casper

General Info:

Location: New Hamphire, USA

Colors: Royal Blue and Burgundy

Barn Owner: Pam (

Breeding Manager: Pam, Position Open

Feed Manager: Jessica (

Stable Hand: Jennifer Dale (

The Programs:
Autumn (Fall) through Spring CVS offers an excellent breeding program! During the summer we hope to offer some great training! CVS will be accepting 4 more boarders at this time.


Pam (HIAA approved)

Show and Excersise Riders:

Heather (also a boarder here!) rides in various classes
Jennifer Dale(a boarder) rides Wisher in advanced eventing and catch rides as needed
Jessica(another boarder!) rides whoever I need her to
Susannah Leaves -my old mentor from HOCK! She's my PSG and GP dressage rider
Laura Quizlar - (an old fictional student from HC, boarder) rides everyone in everything! She's my eventer
Coleen Saunders -(an old fictional student from HC, boarder) does low hunters and flat classes
Sarah L. -another SIM rider (based on a girl I know in RL) rides in hunters+jumpers mostly
Amy and Sally -my small pony riders


CVS just bought even more land to accomodate our growing business and our boarders!
  • 50 stall main barn -wide aisle, finished wood, sliding doors, 4 tack rooms, hay loft

  • 4 heated wash stalls with shelves and hot/cold water

  • 35 stall full board barn -wide aisle, finished wood, sliding doors, 2 tack rooms, hay loft

  • 15 stall rough board barn -finished wood, sliding doors, 1 large tack room, hay loft, 10 "run outs" (paddocks attached to stalls), wash rack outside

  • A tool shed for storage of extra equipment both farm and horse

  • 5 wash racks outside

  • 1 hot walker

  • Ten 1/4-acre paddocks

  • Twenty-Five 2-acre paddocks

  • Eight 5-acre paddocks

  • Indoor jumping arena w/jumps, observation room -sand/synthetic footing

  • Indoor dressage arena w/letters and mirrors -leather footing

  • Outdoor jumper/hunter flat and jumping arena w/8 jumps -grass

  • Outdoor sand arena 70X200 feet

  • 2 Outdoor roundpens -sand footing

  • 30 Miles of trails -routes with+without jumps, lake -prepare your horse for competative trail riding or just take a break from the every day routine!

  • As our business expands so will our stable!!!

  • Boarding:

    Full Board
    We will clean your horse(s)'s stall(s), clean/fill water buckets, feed, turnout, blanket, apply fly spray, groom every other day, and ride or bathe if you want. $250/month

    Rough Board
    We will provide bedding, feed, and stable equipment, and fill paddock buckets, but you must clean the stalls, feed, excersise, and groom the horse yourself. If it's bad out we will apply fly spray, bring in the horse, or blanket. $175/month

    Pasture Board
    Run in shelter provided, horses stay out all day. If it becomes very cold we will blanket for you, we will feed once a day for you (you feed the other time), you must fill that paddocks water bucket(s) and every other week clean the pasture. If another boarder also chose pasture board you can switch off with them. Stalls available during bad weather ($10/night -bedding included). $100/month

    Fill out this form (or e-mail me:

    Type of Board:
    Horse's Name:
    Date of Birth:
    Height:hands high

    CVS's studs! Reasonable fees
    Our Horses Come see our wonderful horses! Some are for lease
    Updated CVS's boarders!Come see who boards here and their horses!
    New CVS' Breeding Program "The Best of the Best in Half Breeds"

    Please take the time to visit this site:
    You need Acrobat Reader to read the script (which I encourage you to do), but you can dowload it from the site.

    "Bang Bang You're Dead is a resource for dealing with a broken world that's violent, unhealthy, unfair, and beyond the power of anyone to fix except today's generation."

    "The play is a free gift for students to perform in schools, garages, street corners, parks, houses of worship -- anyplace there can be communication and discovery about how we've made the world's violence our own. And how we can change it."

    "It's a about a theater of life."

    last updated: July 13th, 1999