"Moose, Moose, Moose, Always on the Loose..." (me, my neice, and my sister)

Some Pictures of Adoette

.... A Fancy Photo .....

this page

still under construction

.... My Husband and Me ....
.........Photos of Me.........

.........My Lovely Husband.........
.........Photos of My Husband.........

My Husband, Sister, and Brother
.........Photos of my Family.........

Some Crafts
.........Photos or Scans of Artwork and Crafts.........

Pictures in Garb
.........Photos of Folks in Garb.........

......... Go to: Email Me.........
.........Go to: Who am I?.........
.........all pictures and no words.........

Say Anything.  Post it here.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

this is my first website and i have no idea what i am doing.
how may times and in how many ways are we being counted without our knowledge or concent?

......... Return to Adoette's Sanctuary.........