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Alex's Page of Fun!!

Hi my name is Alexander Scott Thompson. I am 7 years old and this is my stuff.

I like the 101 Dalmations movie. My favorite Dalmations are: Jewel, Lucky, and Fidget.

I like Power Rangers in Space. I like the Blue Ranger best because he has an axe. I like to watch the show after school.

Barney I like because he uses his imagination. I got to see Barney in real life at Universal Studios. I also like Baby Bop because her brother is BJ.

I like Bobby's World because he dreams things. I watch him in the morning before school.

Spiderman is good because he can climb on walls.

My favorite character in Rug Rats is Tommy because he is bravest.

In Real Monsters I like Ickus cause when he gets mad his eyes turn red and he gets real big and scary.

I like to play Mega Man cause his arm turns into a gun and he shoots with it.

Kirby is fun because when he swallows stuff he can turn himself into whatever he swallows.

I like Mr. Potatoe Head because you can change him. I have a Mr. Potatoe Head game on CD-Rom and on the Game he goes out and gets a cloud in the game.


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