  • Large soft-plastic lid (such as a coffee can lid)
  • Scrap paper
  • Pen or magic marker
  • Paper punch
  • Scissors
  • 8-10 pony or other large beads
  • String
  • Large nails or old keys
    1. Trace around the outside of the lid on a piece of scrap paper. Cut out the traced circle. Fold the circle in half with the edges matching. Fold it in half again, to make a quarter-circle.

    2. Unfold the piece of paper and place it on top of the plastic lid. Mark the lid about ½" inch in from the edge where each folded line falls.

    3. Punch a hole at each mark.

    4. Cut two 24" pieces of string. Thread the string down through one hole and up through the opposite hole. Repeat this so that the underside of the lid has an "X" made of string. Pull the string end even and make an overhand knot.

    5. Mark 8-10 holes about ½" in from the edge all around the lid.

    6. Cut 8-10 strings each 9"-12" long and tie a large nail or key to one end of each string.

    7. Thread the ends of the strings through the holes around the edge of the lid. Tie each string through a pony bead to hold it in place. Hang the windchime in a window or tree and listen to the music the wind makes. If you want to use the windchime as an instrument in the band, use another large nail or an unsharpened pencil to strike the hanging nails..

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