Intery, Mintery
A choosing rhyme

Intery, mintery, cutery corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber-lock,
Five geese in a flock,
Sit and sing by a spring,
O-U-T, and in again.

Eenie, Meenie
Another choosing rhyme

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe.
Catch a tiger (monkey, etc.) by the toe.*
If he hollers,
Let him go.
Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe.

*In less "politically correct" times, the second line would refer to various ethnic groups. In the last 20 years most children have learned the rhyme using various animal names.

These rhymes are useful ways to choose who will go first in a game, or to eliminate one or more items when trying to make a choice. According to some historians, words similar to these may have been used by the Celtic druids to choose sacrificial victims.

The child who is choosing points to or touches each person or thing to be chosen between as each word is pronounced. The last person or thing touched at the end of the rhyme is "it".

To Mother Goose List

To Kiss-a-Frog