FROM Donna:
French for Fun - elementary lessons in French developed by high school students
German Children's Stories - This site provides the German-language versions of many famous children's stories, as well as original illustrations. The works of the Grimm Brothers, Wilhem Busch, and Heinrich Hoffmann are represented here.
Foreign Language Lesson Plans - Links to foreign language lesson plans, resources, and museum and exhibit information.
This is lessons in German on Germany. Good if you are
teaching your child German.
Dictionaries for French,German,Latin,Russian and many
more. My daughter took German and Japanese and used these for
FROM Donna:
A few composers by period... - Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Twentieth Century, and Contemporary
FROM Patti:
FROM Donna:
Edmark - "Jungle Chess and Electronic Geoboard". Both are great educational programs.
Global Petz '97 - This program is for all of you parents out there (myself included) that refused to spend hard-earned money on a computer pet that will die on your children. But don't fret, your children can still have all of the joy of seeing a beloved pc pet , but this one is...yes, you guessed it, Free!
Sean's Magic Slate - This program is a wonderful coloring activity program for ages three through seven.
Owl and Mouse Educational Software - This is a program to print out houses for kids to color, cut and fold to make 3-D villages. Includes 10 paper houses and 7 stores.
Hypervisual Blockworks - This program simulates real, solid building blocks that can be stacked and grouped in infinite ways. The graphics on this game are wonderful.
FROM Heidi:
We have had Oregon Trail 2 for about 3 years & my kids still play with it all the time. My kids have learned so much more from OT 2 then they did the original. All the kids that visit really like it too. The graphics & sound are so much more realistic & the game has alot more historical details & choices.