Viltgances' Domain

Welcome, friend, to the 'domain' of the Viltgances (no, they are not that vain). More information about the Viltgance family is yet to come. Also, information about characters of the Brangwin family will be accessible from here. All this to come. Eventually. Maybe. Likely not. For those tuning in to get info on FFRPG characters, you're already several months too late, but you can find Taeson's sheet here:

Taeson Brangwin, of Dreyas

I'll renovate the site later... much later, likely. I'm probably going to get a LiveJournal before I do that, though. Anyway, I've also been playing Utopia, at the Utopia Website and have developed a table that I use in conjunction with Utopia Angel to keep track of my province's statistics:

Dreya-Kyravon statistical sheet (You will need Microsoft Excel to open it)

About the strange text in orange: You will need Dan Smith's Tengwar Quenya font, available from here in order to see the text in its actual form. It is written in the English mode, and reads 'Concerning the United Province of Dreya-Kyravon.'