Rainbow and Iggy

At most beanie stores you probably saw a multicolor chamelion and a green and blue iguana.

The chamelion had a swing and tush tag with the name of Iggy. The iguana also had a swing and tush tag with the name Rainbow. But TY really named the iguana Iggy and the chamelion Rainbow.

This tells you the two tags were switched. But thats not the only problem TY made, they also did not put a tounge on the chamelion and they put something down the back of the chamelion that was supposed to be down the back of the iguana.

Well after a few months TY finally redid both of them and we are one of the first to have both before and after shots of the two.

Rainbow is on the left and Iggy is on the right


Before: on the bottom
After: on the top


Before: on the right
After: on the left