
Hmm... what's ?

Newest Feature: Bloody Matty's Sexy Jamboree Of Nastyass! Check it outtttttt and if you don't like it: KISS my ass!

The DonnAttack's ALWAYS updated... eat your heart out, you little rock 'n' rollers!!

Tim's site, The Monkey Cage has been updated as a shift in gears has been transferred!

Eric's page is updated again! Visit it and maybe YOU will find your laughing place, too.

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The DonnAttack!!
Visit a world dedicated to my greatest obsession...

Do You Wanna Hit It?

" Gimme a ride, gimme a ride!
It's your turn, we've got fuel to burn!
Gimme a ride, gimme a ride!
Let's go 'cause we're on a roll."

-The Donnas

Lyrics from: "Gimme A Ride" featured on Turn 21

*Lyric of the month requested by Jesse*


So, there are several things that have to do with my creation of this page. The reasons shall be revealed one day. Of course, this is because this site is eternally:

*~Under Procrastionation~*

A Tribute to our Fuzzy Friends!

You are now entering...

The Nostaliga Nook!!

© 7 Years Old and regressing..©

I am a nostalgic character.

I do believe that I will remain 7 years old forever.. and by gum, I will! The 80's holds a special place in my heart. The time was so ... innocent. Well, since it was my era of childhood, anyway. There was a beauty in the glory of those days. The days when I believed that little berry people roamed the earth ... when cuddly bears would come to your aide in your time of need ... the option of climbing through the mirror to a world made of pillows just cause you need a hug ... the days when Gargamel gave me nightmares ... when Mario was my hero ... when Rubik's cubes gave me headaches... and especially the days I left my house with mismatched socks, and pigtails, shadowing my idol. Needless to say, there's not an issue of whether or not I have a nostalgia nook in my site... behold the wonders... Happy Cloudrolling!

Happiness is a Lunchbox!
Another part of me is my nostalgia collecting! Here is your first peek at my curious little collection of perfectly 80's things!! Lunchboxes!
It's the attack of the 80's!!
Bow chicka bowmp! The Castle of Totally Awesome's 80's Quiz is up and ready! Take it to see if you're really as 'BAD' as you think you are!

The Gingerbread House!

And about Miss Ginger...
There are many things to learn about me. Just click above, and scan the surface.
Then, of course, you might wanna take a dip into what wonderful memories create...

*The Monkey Cage!*
Next, learn about an awesome friend that I am blessed with...
Er the Ic!
And last but certainly not least (or normal!), we have Bloody Matty's Sexy Jamboree of Nastyass. What is it, you ask? Simple: a tribute to the oddest person I know!

Lookin' for some awesome fonts, wanna view this site in it's original format or just plain bored?? Go here, and put an end to your relentless woes!

The Dungeon 'O' Boredom!

STILL bored or just not diggin' fonts?!? Man, there's no entertaining you. Well, here's a few stupid yet fun little games to test your reflexes and stuff! Perhaps they will help you kick that bad habit of hitting your leg on the desk everytime you get up from your computer.... *grin*. I DO know about that, you know...


Share yer thoughts, monkey! Stay for a while in the Guest Nook and make yourself at home!

Leave yer mark in the GuestNook, Peek in the cozy GuestNook...


You can drop me a line or 2 (don't limit yourself though) through that handy thing we call...

It's now a whopping on the Punky Power Meter!

(as of September 3, 1999!)

(IE users: If pictures appear as a red 'x' right click on the broken image, and select 'Show Picture' and you should be all set! Sorry bout the loading time... I'm workin on it!!)

All Rights Reserved.
Miss Ginger's Castle of Totally Awesome © 1999 - 2001
Web Page design and images scanned and/or created by Miss Ginger except for animations, c/o AnimatedGif.Net and Cheshire Cat, Gingerbread House, Willy Wonka, VistaView 3D NavGoggles, hamster and lunchbox tower. All of the preceeding items were sent to me or collected long ago. I do not take credit for their creation, as they are borrowed and not stolen.
I will gladly pay credit where it is due, if notified of their source.