Animated film about a young deer, Bambi, growing up in the wild after his mother is shot by hunters. Directed by David Hand

Stan Alexander as Young Flower
Peter Behn  as Young Thumper
Cammie King as  Young Faline
Bobby Stewart (II) as Young Bambi
Fred Shields as  The Great Prince of the Forest (Bambi's Father)
Hardie Albright as  Bambi
Tim Davis as Thumper
Donnie Dunagan as  Bambi
Ann Gillis (I) as  Faline
Sterling Holloway as Flower

Written by

Chuck Couch (I)
Carl Fallberg
Larry Morey
Felix Salten
Melvin Shaw
Vernon Stallings
Ralph Wright

Original music by

Frank Churchill
Edward H. Plumb

Produced by
Walt Disney

One baby raccoon disappears momentarily as it comes out of the water after the fire.
In the scene where the animals gather around to see new-born Bambi, the spots on Bambi's coat disappear for a moment.

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