Below is a list of all the known Calvin and Hobbes books published. Click on the books if you are interested in purchasing them!

1. Calvin and Hobbes 

2. Something Under the Bed Is Drooling 

3. Yukon Ho! 

4. Weirdos From Another Planet! 

5. The Revenge of the Baby-Sat 

6. Scientific Progress goes "Boink" 

7. Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer 

9. The Days Are Just Packed 

10. Homocidal Psycho Jungle Cat 

11. Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary  

12. There's Treasure Everywhere 

13. It's a magical world 


List of Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Collections:

The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes

Handsize Paperbacks

Thereby Hangs a Tale
One Day the Wind will Change
In the Shadow of the Night

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